
Pompeii Casts. Victim 29 found December 1936 or October 1937 in the Palaestra area.

Two hypotheses are suggested.

Hypothesis 1: The body is that shown at the bottom of the photograph of 14 skeletons (NdS 1939 fig. 28 shown above). This would mean it was the body found in the area in front of the south-eastern entrance in December 1936.

Hypothesis 2: The body is that found in the south portico inside the Palestra Grande near the latrine wall on the 25-26 October 1937.

See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 387 Calco n. 29.


Victim 29. Pompeii Palaestra. The cast lacks: arms and legs; and only the part between the thorax and the attachment of the thighs has been preserved.
The victim is a male, aged 13 to 19 years old.
There seems to be a drapery between the shoulder and the left hip clearly visible in the middle between the armpit and buttocks.
Two hypotheses are suggested.
Hypothesis 1: The body is that shown at the bottom of the photograph of 14 skeletons (NdS 1939 fig. 28 shown above). This would mean it was the body found in the area in front of the south-eastern entrance in December 1936.
Hypothesis 2: The body is that found in the south portico inside the Palestra Grande near the latrine wall on the 25-26 October 1937.
See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 387 Calco n. 29.

Victim 29. Pompeii Palaestra. The cast lacks: arms and legs; and only the part between the thorax and the attachment of the thighs has been preserved.

The victim is a male, aged 13 to 19 years old.

There seems to be a drapery between the shoulder and the left hip clearly visible in the middle between the armpit and buttocks.

Two hypotheses are suggested.

Hypothesis 1: The body is that shown at the bottom of the photograph of 14 skeletons (NdS 1939 fig. 28 shown above). This would mean it was the body found in the area in front of the south-eastern entrance in December 1936.

Hypothesis 2: The body is that found in the south portico inside the Palestra Grande near the latrine wall on the 25-26 October 1937.

See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 387 Calco n. 29.


II.7.1 Pompeii. Palaestra. December 1936. Hypothesis 1. Group of 14 skeletons. The cast is at the bottom centre of the photo.
Secondo NdS; Poco al di fuori della prima porta del lato orientale della Palestra, quasi a pied della scarpata dell’aggere, si mise in luce (dicembre 1936) un gruppo di 14 scheletri dei quali 6 caduti uno sull’altro in uno spazio assai ristretto di terreno, in un viluppo confuso di ossa, e i rimanenti un poco discosti più a nord, giacenti sul primo strato di cenere, quasi tutti caduti bocconi sul terreno (fig. 28); di uno solo di essi (un giovanetto) potè eseguirsi un calco parziale del tronco, trovandosi gli arti inferiori ancora infossati nel lapillo. La presenza di individui adulti e giovanili, e la tragica sovrapposizione dei corpi, fa supporre che ci troviamo innanzi non a gruppi di fuggiaschi fortuitamente riuniti dal terrore della comune sciagura, ma di persone più intimamente strette da vincoli di parentela e probabilmente di due distinti gruppi di famiglie fuggite assieme da abitazioni contigue.

According to NdS; Just outside the first door on the eastern side of the Palestra, almost at the foot of the escarpment of the embankment, a group of 14 skeletons came to light (December 1936), 6 of which had fallen one on top of the other in a very small area of ground, in a confused tangle of bones, and the remainder a little further to the north, lying on the first layer of ash, almost all of which had fallen flat on the ground (fig. 28). Of only one of them (a juvenile) was it possible to make a partial cast of the trunk, as its lower limbs were still buried in the lapillus. The presence of adult and juvenile individuals, and the tragic superimposition of the bodies, suggests that we were facing not groups of fugitives fortuitously reunited by the terror of the common calamity, but of people more intimately close by ties of kinship and probably of two distinct groups of families who fled together from neighbouring homes.

Vedi/See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939, p. 216, fig. 28.

II.7.1 Pompeii. Palaestra. December 1936. Hypothesis 1. Group of 14 skeletons. The cast is at the bottom centre of the photo.


Secondo NdS; Poco al di fuori della prima porta del lato orientale della Palestra, quasi a pied della scarpata dell’aggere, si mise in luce (dicembre 1936) un gruppo di 14 scheletri dei quali 6 caduti uno sull’altro in uno spazio assai ristretto di terreno, in un viluppo confuso di ossa, e i rimanenti un poco discosti più a nord, giacenti sul primo strato di cenere, quasi tutti caduti bocconi sul terreno (fig. 28); di uno solo di essi (un giovanetto) potè eseguirsi un calco parziale del tronco, trovandosi gli arti inferiori ancora infossati nel lapillo. La presenza di individui adulti e giovanili, e la tragica sovrapposizione dei corpi, fa supporre che ci troviamo innanzi non a gruppi di fuggiaschi fortuitamente riuniti dal terrore della comune sciagura, ma di persone più intimamente strette da vincoli di parentela e probabilmente di due distinti gruppi di famiglie fuggite assieme da abitazioni contigue.


According to NdS; Just outside the first door on the eastern side of the Palestra, almost at the foot of the escarpment of the embankment, a group of 14 skeletons came to light (December 1936), 6 of which had fallen one on top of the other in a very small area of ground, in a confused tangle of bones, and the remainder a little further to the north, lying on the first layer of ash, almost all of which had fallen flat on the ground (fig. 28). Of only one of them (a juvenile) was it possible to make a partial cast of the trunk, as its lower limbs were still buried in the lapillus. The presence of adult and juvenile individuals, and the tragic superimposition of the bodies, suggests that we were facing not groups of fugitives fortuitously reunited by the terror of the common calamity, but of people more intimately close by ties of kinship and probably of two distinct groups of families who fled together from neighbouring homes.


Vedi/See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939, p. 216, fig. 28.


Victim 29. Hypothesis 1. The cast is seen bottom left in the photo.
See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939, p. 216, fig. 28.

Victim 29. Hypothesis 1. The cast is seen bottom left in the photo.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939, p. 216, fig. 28.


Victim 29. Hypothesis 2: The body is that found in the south portico inside the Palestra Grande near the latrine wall on the 25-26 October 1937.
See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 387 Calco n. 29.
Two bodies were found towards the eastern end of the southern ambulatory and a cast could be made because they were both lying in the high layer of ash.
Maiuri described first as “The one was a beautiful young man's body with agile legs knocked down on the portico floor at the first fall of the ashes.” 
And also, according to Maiuri “the handsome body of a young man, one of those strong, agile young men from Campania, with athletic legs just made for running and for the last gasp of the race”. The victim had been identified as an athlete, also because of the discovery near his body of bronze strigils, usually used by gymnasts.”
The second was victim number 28, the crouching man.
See Notizie degli Scavi, Anno 1939, Fascicoli 7, 8, 9, p. 216.

Victim 29. Hypothesis 2: The body is that found in the south portico inside the Palestra Grande near the latrine wall on the 25-26 October 1937.

See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 387 Calco n. 29.

Two bodies were found towards the eastern end of the southern ambulatory and a cast could be made because they were both lying in the high layer of ash.

Maiuri described first as “The one was a beautiful young man's body with agile legs knocked down on the portico floor at the first fall of the ashes.”

And also, according to Maiuri “the handsome body of a young man, one of those strong, agile young men from Campania, with athletic legs just made for running and for the last gasp of the race”. The victim had been identified as an athlete, also because of the discovery near his body of bronze strigils, usually used by gymnasts.”

The second was victim number 28, the crouching man.

See Notizie degli Scavi, Anno 1939, Fascicoli 7, 8, 9, p. 216.


Group of 18 victims found inside the latrine of the Palaestra.
See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939 p. 222 fig.33.
It does not appear that the body cast was displayed after its discovery. 
It was in fact found, during the census for GPP 34, under a modern wooden deck placed as the floor of the latrine of the Palaestra Grande. 
It has certainly been moved from its original position.
See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 388 Calco n. 29.

Group of 18 victims found inside the latrine of the Palaestra.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1939 p. 222 fig. 33.

It does not appear that the body cast was displayed after its discovery.

It was in fact found, during the census for GPP 34, under a modern wooden deck placed as the floor of the latrine of the Palaestra Grande.

It has certainly been moved from its original position.

See Osanna, N., Capurso, A., e Masseroli, S. M., 2021. I Calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi: Studi e Ricerche del PAP 46, p. 388 Calco n. 29.




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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 17-Mar-2024 17:57